Robert Weinstein Photography

Turning a Moment Into Forever

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Friday May 7th represented a summit of emotions and concluding chapter on several levels. First, to the players of the Class of 2021, it represented the climactic and finalization of their high school football, albeit one soaring with the winds of victory to memorialize the experience and growth they enjoyed.

For Memorial Football, sadly, the night also marked the last game Memorial would play under Coach Sinz’s leadership and mentoring. 

And for the guy behind the lens, the evening, and in particular during the game, marked a closing chapter as well.

If it feels there aren’t as many pictures uploaded as usual, you’re correct. For reasons described below, as well as luck, focusing, and lighting, the second half wasn’t highly productive relatively speaking. One of the frustrating aspects of high school night football is many otherwise “perfect” shots are lost due to focusing issues. Simply put, the less light, the longer it takes to focus and the game is so fast, that even half a second is the difference between perfection and failure (not unlike football in that regard).

While the lighting makes for a great reason, the other truth is after several years of law school and many months of hard core preparing, the results of the Feb bar exam I took were released coincidentally during half-time. With a last Feb pass rate of 27%, it’s one few are confident at the moment of checking. Upon receiving notice I passed and between celebrating the victory with my wife (with a fence separating us…, as well as the emotional high of completing that chapter of my own, my attention for part of the second half of the game wasn’t as sharp as normal.

Last thoughts, I took a lot of shots after the game of the players, however, I couldn’t position correctly without a LOT of parents moving out of the way. Because I value the use of my fingers, arms, and legs, I wasn’t about to even consider pushing moms out of the way when they had photo taking cell phones in hand. 

I hope you enjoyed the year’s photos as much as I did capturing and editing them. If you find one you like particularly and want to print it, let me know the date and the image number and I’ll search for the higher quality original that you can professionally edit and/or print.

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