
Altoona 7th Grade Football at Mondovi 9/27/2022

The timing left a harsh sun, one in which I finally went over to the “other side” in order to mitigate the requirement to shoot almost directly into it. All things considered (along with some major editing software voodoo), I was able to pull a reasonable number of acceptable shots. My wife Lori watched me edit some of the images last night and she asked what commentary I would provide with the pictures. I said I didn’t know, albeit if I do a good job snapping pictures, the viewer really shouldn’t know what the score was, and ideally, leave with a feeling of success for the boys and coaches. After many hours of editing and selecting the best of the crop, I’m left with the impression that I met my objective because when I look at their eyes and faces, what I see is a group of young men fighting with determination and resolve through the entire game and never ever giving up even one yard voluntarily, much less giving up totally. In my book, the willingness and attitude of never surrendering to defeat speaks much louder and with greater authority than one day’s scoreboard. 


Altoona 7th Grade Football vs Stanley Boyd 9/20/2022

Altoona 7th Grade Football Scrimmage 10/4/2022